Saturday, November 26, 2011

smc update! fuck this shit.

Nothing new on my front has been happening. Life is going slow, the house smells of the remnants of pancakes and I've left with this gigantic list of  chores, errands and everything to do. From where I'm sitting in the dinning room I can see the ocean acting up and it just adds to the pure excitement i have for walking into town to play marimba at kriskringle. It's the third day in the row we've been doing an hour a day. To be honest, I've been pretty horrible at the christmas carols. I've practiced, but when it comes to playing the simple, simple leads to jingle bells or let it snow, my mind goes blank and I'm stuck looking like a fool. Maybe I'm not meant to be super musically inclined.  I think I'm going to make a thankyou note for fahlon, and give her some nice chocolates, just as a thankyou for putting up with me, and being this ultimate teacher in the process.

How are things going for you guys? I have a story of wind and water for you guys. Check it.

I was walking from town the other day along the beach, and it was storming right. I thought it would be a adventure in the process of this simple walk. The socks in my shoes were already wet, and my care for keeping them from getting any wetter went flying off to the wind. So I went out for the hike. It was alright for a while. But that while ended the moment it was nearly impossible to cross this rushing replica of a river flowing down to the sea. I swear it was a depth of at least 3 feet.  I stood there for moments wondering my new course of plan, and decided to backtrack it a bit and climb a incline where the rushing water could be jumped easily.  I jumped and I thought the worst was over. I starter climbing the mossy, damp hill up to the path. My shoes had no grip, and I kept sliding. The only things i was worrying about was the brand new pretty stamps I have just bought from the post office and my laptop turning into this soggy mess. But I continued. I was nearly at the tip top of the hill, when all the sudden, the earth underneath my slippery shoes gave out, and I slide down to the rushing water, 20 seconds it took to fall to my ultimate soggy death.  I landed with a dump, and a black mud cover from my shoulders down to my ankles. it was gross. It reminded me of the time I slipped on the dead salmon (the leftovers of a bear) while hiking in the first nations reserve.  The smell of that fall still haunts me.

ANYWAYS. Point is, I ended up climbing up a wall during this adventure, and this gigantic wave attacked me, and surrounded me. Covering me with it's cold, salty water, my gloves still taste of salt. At that point, I started to think whether it would be super horrible if I just floated off to sea at that moment there, died you know? I'd feel bad for my mom. Not so much for cyrus, mostly because  I'm starting to really hate long distant relationships lately. And him. Does that make me a horrible girlfriend? Upset with her long distant boyfriend? In my mind, and heart sort of, I'm not really allowed to be upset with anything. Just because of the distance. It feels really unfair.

I ended up walking through a old folks home, soking wet and covered in mud. I got home, and pleaded to my mom that she'd make me a cup of tea while I run a bath. You know how your hands get red from no gloves? The aftermath of the cold? My entire body was like that. I looked like a lobster.

thats that.

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