Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm exhausted. Just plain pooped. Today I sat in this cafe in the library on campus for 4 hours, trying to sell tickets for this fundraising party my course union is doing and I only sold one. And this dumbass frat-pledge kid would not stop pestering us girls who were sitting at the table with his unblievably ignorant comments. I mean, I like most of the frat guys well enough, they seem pretty decent, not the stereotype of States frat boys with their jocky-jockness and their blonde hair, these guys actually have personality. Anyway.
So I finally get out of school around 7 because I had to go to this OTHER meeting too... and I went straight to this friends house to watch Jepardy! (did you know that those guys on the show get a booklet to study from before going on the show?! I think that's bullshit, specially because a lot of the times they don't get really easy questions...). Our other friend shows up a few minutes later and I had heard earlier that a friend of hers had been charged with murder so what do I do? Like the biggest fool around I laugh until I cry. I gotta snap out of it.
And this morning in my 'intro to monotheism' class I kept writning churge instead of church. I'm losing it alright.

Monday, November 29, 2010

George Cambo? and rich peoples sex palace? Greaaaaaaaaaat
Today is the day, of figuring out peoples addresses and making clever cards and something heartfelt. Today is the day i brushed my hair and made some bread and called people and talked to others. I did some paperwork, went to the beach and enjoyed a goodlooking french man sing to the camera. Tonight, after arguing with a boy i like, i wll go have a bath and shave my legs.

Life is too slow.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

how deep is this hole I'm in?!

It's ok C, at least you got past the introductions part. I always forget to do that one, maybe because everyone I know is agressive about introducing themselves.You should just sing them this song and avoid the hands shaking altogether.

I am making gingerbread with all those cookie cutters you left here that time (thanks!) Because we are supposed to have a bakesale on thursday for UNICEF... hopefully they make it to then. This week is going to be nutso with extra curricular activities, my course union is organising this kareoke/ dance part thing that I am dreading but hey! it's helping fund our trip to NY.
Last night we joined the heards of small children at the Santa Claus parade downtown. for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to wear flats HA. Everything froze, let me tell you. But I did get a coupon for ten dolla off a haircut so I can FINALLY get one.
I feel like I spend too much time with this computer. I think we need to take a breaky break.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I seriously need to work on social skills. / Do something motivating with mylife.

So un-motivating with my life, that i took a picture of the cooking channel. Super huh?
So i went out with my father today to drive my tiny brother and tiny sister to various locations,(both lovers who are older then they are .... ) and on the way back ,i suggested we stop by the local grocery store to buy some pre-made falafel mix and milk and i saw a fellow friend, that i don't know that well, but we spoke anyways, and whatever, and then, both our fathers were there with us, and there was hands all over the place being shook, and i was confused on which one to shake, and was i suppose to shake first? it was awkward. I felt bad,, and then walked away regretting a lack of skills.

Current though, i feel alright. Im talking to the Argentinian tagger and c-man, with a cat on my lap and a lack of water in my body.
Talk to you later t-tails.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Still jealous, by the wayyy.

So for the past couple hours, i've been sprawled out on the living room floor, under two blankets, on my stomach, watching Youth in Revolt. You know that's a movie with Michael Cera*Sarah, in it right?

From Katimavik, i've learnt to sleep on my stomach. I also learnt to sleep with a blanket over my head (but i'm pretty sure i told you that already), that, among other things, are a factor that valued the six months. Now with the prospects of wanting to expand my life another six months, maybe i'll learn a couple other tricks of the trade.

Then Trade Them For Knowledge.

Knowledge about good food, ill most likely trade them for. Then i'll bring them back to you, and my loved ones (hahahahaa, your not loved), and you guys will all be impressed, with a full stomach and extra extra glisten in your eyes.

Ill bring tissues for the leaking eyes. Youll write a book on the anti-dote. Boat?
We will be a team.

I wish i had a bottle of red wine right now. And a robe.

there is an adorable dog in a sunny yellow truck parked outside our place right now and oh! the dog belongs to this guy working downstairs. I wonder if he will bring him in. He reminds me of Prince Wendell from the Tenth Kingdom... remember that series? No? We have part one on DVD if you want to check it out.
The Sabo clan is supposed to me here in t-30 mins. They are going to see Yerma, the play that Sarah is in. It's about this crazy Spanish woman who can't get preggers and eventually goes nuts and kills her husband while ripping off her clothes. And then Franco wins the war. Sarah plays the devil's wife and she has to do this sexual/flamenco-esque dance with this guy with a terrible fake mustache. Still don't know about the main character, she kept doing this voice that was almost an Irish accent and rubbing her belly and moaning. Plus she was Too obsessed with childbirth. And the whole town was clucking and gossiping about the fact that she could't sleep because her husband would not goddamn impregnate her.
hm. sounds like Sarah just pulled down the shower curtain rod.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is there an organ donor in the room?

So so so. It's been winter wonderlanding left right and center. I have the appropriate number of blisters from wearing too many pairs of socks and insisting on walking everywhere. Lucky for us a certain Mr. Father installed heaters in all the rooms and more lights in the kitchen so its stopped feeling like such a cave in here. Yes!
And I am still on my Harry Potter craving- almost done the second one... thing is though since I got it out from the library some little smartass has gone through the book and replaced the word "hiss" with the word "whisper" in cases where they have the same context. What a little shit. You would be surprised to see how much this happens.
Also yesterday I looked up on the bus and this guy who looked amazingly like Philip A. was staring at me down his round-ended nose. Oh.... ok. He got off two blocks after he got on. Last night I spent way too much on sushi and I just devoured the rest of it. MmMm bbq salmon skin, oh how you are deliciously sharp going down.
Also last night instead of doing the reading that I was meant to be doing I watched that Woody Allen movie, "Annie Hall" which was damn good, if you ask me. I tend to try and stay away from Woody A because of the crowd that he seems to attract. Plus the whole Jewish-angle that I probably didn't grasp, being a goy. On the other hand though, I feel like there is always something in films that I won't grasp. We're too goddamn diverse, eh?

Thanks belgium





Monday, November 22, 2010

Can I just say, first of all that that picture isn't called Terry Pratchet, the quote at the top of the page is by Terry Pratchet.

Anyway my Dad drove all the way here through the blizzard and over a mountain to hook up a few more heaters and all the outlets in the living room (the guy he works with has decided to call it the "front study" I think that sounds nicer. Anyway this guy is a complete nutball, every twenty minutes he goes "you excited Gerard?" and my father, Gerald, goes "oh yeah, Al. So excited." over and over. He also helped me put up curtains today and then showed me how to hem them with a stapler. Apparently he hems all his pants with staples too. My dad says he doesn't have a bank account because he doesn't trust the banks and he doesn't have a credit card. He payed the down payment on his truck in cash and then gave the company the wrong address so that he could stop paying for it when he felt he had paid enough. What a guy, right?) My dad was telling us about how one time it was 85 below on a school day, because of windchill and he walked to school anyway.

Anyway its snowing like hell today, too dark to take a picture now, but believe me. It's also rediculously windy and icy freezing, but it wasn't this morning. I skipped school today and ran/skipped/ slide/ jaunted down to the beach with Sabo and then back up to the library and to get groceries. Mildly pissed off that the lib only had Harry Potters two three and five. I've been having a mad craving to read all of them but I guess I'll have to make do. Unless SoMeONe with weird auburn hair fantasies wants to get a move on (get it?) and bring me the others.
kind of worried about getting to school tomorrow, what with the snow.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I guess lines are cool.

Isn't it funny, the piece above this, what i'm writting is called Terry Pratchett? Or at least the series of pieces all together. See? http://butdoesitfloat.com/537574/And-summer-isn-t-a-time-It-s-a-place-as-well-Summer-is-a-moving

The snow is still here!!! I love that. But seriously. If Sunrider ever figures out that you figured out his little money making scheme, let's just hope he doesn't come over and chop off your head. Seriously. Because, what if i'm there, and you arn't and i'm wearing a auburn wig? and i'm turned around in the other direction? Your fault. I bet the death of me, inspires you in your arty history world (bitch).

Saturday, November 20, 2010

steel boots each day

ok so update on the sunrider situation. I forgot to mention, first of all, why he is called the sunrider. On the front of his house in big bronze flames are the words "Sunrider Ranch" and then of course he has "Sunrider" painted in blue on the side of his truck. Not to mention the mermaid bursting out of the sun thing.

But here! I was sitting in the kitchen this morning, eating my oatmeal and minding my own business when ALL OF A SUDDEN! he comes out his house wearing that sweater we love so much and gets in his truck. He starts the engine but is sitting there for a bit fiddling with something out of sight. AND THEN! I look over and he is holding a pipe that is clearly not for tobacco up to his mouth and lighting up. And he puts on his seat belt, slides into drive and pulls away from the curve. I see him take another hit at the stop sign. WHAMMO! drug dealer.

This may seem incredibly creepy to you people, but you don't live across the street from a Very Dangerous Driver/ Convieniently Located Merchant of MaryJane. I can justify anything.

Pictures coming soon

The beach was beautiful at 3 am.

I think that might be the pro's of living by the beach. You can go there all the time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

it just came out this way

I've been home for two hours and I have seen the sun rider get in and out of his truck 4 times. This may sound creepy but my neighbours truck-related habits are driving me nuts. This is a guy who literally sits in his truck, sometimes solo for hours at a time. And while he is doing this, it is invariably dark out and invariably I can't help but stare. Is he a drug dealer? It should also be clarified that his truck is one of those smallish ones. It is blue with a giant mermaid bursting out of the sun painted on its hood. He will get it that truck and return in 20 minutes, probably 20 times a day. And I know this is a weird fascination for me but if you were to see the kitchen window to wall ratio you would understand. Our window faces a street mostly used by pedestrians since it doesn't really connect to anything so I always look up when a car goes by. Especially now that I have a mystery to solve.

Next time it is light out and I have a cam hooked up I will show yous. You will agree that this boy/man has a good choice in sweaters, I think. Even if his wardrobe choice is funded by probably-illegal activity.

Anyway Shark I've started boiling water and keeping it in that choco-milk jug from that other time. turns out it tastes way better than Victoria city shit. thank you parents, for raising me with rediculously high standards in the taste of drinking water. Still haven't found better than Strathcona glacier water though. mMmmm. wasn't even ruined by that shit-KD that EvanPepp dumped into it, the daft codger.

Anyway this as all been a huge excuse to not read the Worship in Judaism section of my textbook. Turns out University can even make ancient mystical traditions boring, thanks a lot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This girl tries too hard to be in the kitchen.

Who is chris and why are we following his blog? Is it campbell?
How are you? I should be seeing you soon.
Im making bread right now, and its from this lady who lives in some off the beat place north of us. I want to send her a fan-mail.

I don't know what else to write.
We had men working in the yard all day and im dehydrateing jalapenos.
anddddddddddddddddddddddddd hey! rowan might be comming to see us?! he is thinking of travelling to canada!
Not alot other then that. I just applied to this other katimavik like program. I think i would really enjoy it, plus it would give me an chance to work abroad. Which is awesome.
My romance with Dave 1, is reappearing. Too bad he is like 10 years my senior. Too bad his excellent facial hair and smooth voice gets me everytime. TOoooooooooooooo bad.

Arts Gala!

Stephen Harper says that artists waste taxpayers dollars and that regular people don't care about the arts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

You've got another one coming and it's going to be the same

Can you imagine having a messenger pigeon? Sending messages to your friend via... bird flight. Almost enough to make one stop texting, although there would be a whole lot more poop.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nobody puts Baby in a corner

it's all misty pinky-blue outside the window right now and there's all these weird abandoned hay bails that look like deer sticking out of the field. I would post a picture but there are currently zero cameras in my house. And I found these high-waitsted floral capri pants (use your imagination) in my garage on top of a sweater with holes in it. Did someone used to wear them? Where did they come from?

And last night we laid on the floor and watched Dirty Dancing for the nth millionth time and it felt just like the first time, so right. Seriously, don't know why I love that movie so much

Sunday, November 7, 2010

just ate so much food. my fingers gained so much weight that it is difficult to type this

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quick! before the internet does that choppy-chop thing that it is so good at I will tell you a few things: I am at the library downtown trying to write a paper about these two paintings by these two artists, if you know what I mean. Thing is, I'm getting a little peckish but I don't want to pack up all these books because I have yet to get anything done, really. It would probably be more useful if the internet did cut out so that I wouldn't be tempted to surf.

You will be happy to know that I am going back to my roots on Tuesday. And I fully expect it to be sunny and warm and ready for some bike-riding adventures. I don`t know why but lately I`ve had the travel bug, and also the bicycle bug... I think I will be cruisin' around town on my nordco scorcher for like 5 days, then I'll come back to the city and get some real business done.

Also been looking up these lodges in the Rocky Mountains because this friend of a friend was going on about how he worked at the Lake O'Hara Lodge this summer. Wouldn't that be nice? on the website for the Cathedral Mountain Lodge it talks about how you don't need experience because "We will train You!" wowzer. Except for the work season is from May to October so either I would have to leave early or skip first semester... and that would also mean that someone else would be living in my room during the summer. hrrmmm.

Don't mind me. Just have the "Dear Diary" complex all over the internet. As per
Anyway here is one of the paintings I have to write about. The colour quality is not that great, incase you were wondering