Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is there an organ donor in the room?

So so so. It's been winter wonderlanding left right and center. I have the appropriate number of blisters from wearing too many pairs of socks and insisting on walking everywhere. Lucky for us a certain Mr. Father installed heaters in all the rooms and more lights in the kitchen so its stopped feeling like such a cave in here. Yes!
And I am still on my Harry Potter craving- almost done the second one... thing is though since I got it out from the library some little smartass has gone through the book and replaced the word "hiss" with the word "whisper" in cases where they have the same context. What a little shit. You would be surprised to see how much this happens.
Also yesterday I looked up on the bus and this guy who looked amazingly like Philip A. was staring at me down his round-ended nose. Oh.... ok. He got off two blocks after he got on. Last night I spent way too much on sushi and I just devoured the rest of it. MmMm bbq salmon skin, oh how you are deliciously sharp going down.
Also last night instead of doing the reading that I was meant to be doing I watched that Woody Allen movie, "Annie Hall" which was damn good, if you ask me. I tend to try and stay away from Woody A because of the crowd that he seems to attract. Plus the whole Jewish-angle that I probably didn't grasp, being a goy. On the other hand though, I feel like there is always something in films that I won't grasp. We're too goddamn diverse, eh?

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