Monday, November 22, 2010

Can I just say, first of all that that picture isn't called Terry Pratchet, the quote at the top of the page is by Terry Pratchet.

Anyway my Dad drove all the way here through the blizzard and over a mountain to hook up a few more heaters and all the outlets in the living room (the guy he works with has decided to call it the "front study" I think that sounds nicer. Anyway this guy is a complete nutball, every twenty minutes he goes "you excited Gerard?" and my father, Gerald, goes "oh yeah, Al. So excited." over and over. He also helped me put up curtains today and then showed me how to hem them with a stapler. Apparently he hems all his pants with staples too. My dad says he doesn't have a bank account because he doesn't trust the banks and he doesn't have a credit card. He payed the down payment on his truck in cash and then gave the company the wrong address so that he could stop paying for it when he felt he had paid enough. What a guy, right?) My dad was telling us about how one time it was 85 below on a school day, because of windchill and he walked to school anyway.

Anyway its snowing like hell today, too dark to take a picture now, but believe me. It's also rediculously windy and icy freezing, but it wasn't this morning. I skipped school today and ran/skipped/ slide/ jaunted down to the beach with Sabo and then back up to the library and to get groceries. Mildly pissed off that the lib only had Harry Potters two three and five. I've been having a mad craving to read all of them but I guess I'll have to make do. Unless SoMeONe with weird auburn hair fantasies wants to get a move on (get it?) and bring me the others.
kind of worried about getting to school tomorrow, what with the snow.

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