Saturday, December 11, 2010

Honey don't you know that I'm too dumb for that.

Hey you. Man is it pouring rain. And for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to wear glasses today. There go the gods, trying to make my life that much harder. On the plus note I was Christmas shopping today and I found the complete Alfred Hitchcock at this thriftstore, which I will pass on to my father on the 25. Nice.

Also, what else is there? Sarah is on the "balcony" smooching. And I got invited to a potluck for tomorrow night... I think I will make a chickpea type salade. I'm excited, I think this is the first party that I am going to this year where I was actually invited. What can I say, things are funner when you don't know anyone!
The house at the top reminds me of Heidi, did you ever see that movie/ read that book. I will bring both back after Christmas

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