Friday, May 13, 2011

Who doesn't fucking like honey sunshine?

I don't think she looks that much like me. Just because of the hair colour?
The above (title) is a quote from my boss' son, who at 15 years old is already more cool than I am. He goes to beach bonfires, he's chatty, he smokes and drinks coffee, he eats 8 tons for breakfast. I've almost gotten used to waking up at 630 every morning. I start work at 7:30 which means that I should probably be getting up earlier than I do, but come on...
Anyway room-mate #2 has this cleanse book that is all about achieving balance through what you eat. It's also got a chapter about Ayurvedic Medicine, which has got me interested. Apparently there are three types of bodies in this crazy world, and we three room-mates have one of each. Here is an informational website.
Funny though, last night I ate according to my dosha and was careful to go to bed early and not smoke illegal substances with the others but today I still had a fever. My eyes did that awesome thing that they do where they completely cloud over with multicolour interference and I go blind for a minute. This happened in the middle of a conversation with my boss, who was giving me instructions. As soon as she left the room I ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat until I could see again. What if one day this lasts longer than usual? Is this even normal? First time it happened I was 12 and thought it was sunstroke. I had a minor nervous breakdown and my teacher (Vollmers) prolly thought I was losing it.
On a lighter note, here is another red head. Does she look like me too?

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