Sunday, February 20, 2011

even if it is not true

I realize I should not be writing this. I should be writing my essay regarding the lost sense of community within the education system once it was formally institutionalized. However I am too jumpy at the moment. Also I am having doubts about the thesis statement now... and Laura wants me to make a broader statement regarding the state of education in Canada but how the crap can I do that in 5 pages, Laura? Either way Jordan (the prof) is gonna tilt his head back and look at me down his considerable schnoz and perhaps make an uninterested murmuring noise.


at 5:00 pm ish tomorrow I will be cabbing it to the West Side YMCA with a bunch of like-minded if exhausted fellow art nerds. THIS is why I cannot properly write. Also I will internet-less for the nest week, which seems strange but I doubt I will even notice.

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