Thursday, August 12, 2010

I hate to treat you like a mail order bride but I am happy you got a green thumb, yo, because that means our garden will be hella balls to the walls awesome. Or however it goes. My dad is outside in the garden dancing and tossing weeds over the fence. I can basically replace his head with yours and it will be like you're home already. I am peeing myself about getting to Victoria although I just realized that I haven't even got a bed yet and have no idea where to find one... can you order that kind of stuff over the internet?
Wanna go halfies on a scooter/ moped? I saw one parked in someones front yard with a for sale sign and it has two seats! It will be like Rome!
And you should come to my house around seven next thursday. I'll maybe bake a cake
Anyways I biked home from Quali last night and then swimming in the ocean with our friend. I have to say it was the best time all week.

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