Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Part II

and we met this guy named Nikita who kept going off about his ex-wife and their 2 1/2 year old daughter and how this one time he was really drunk and he thought it would be a great idea to make Sleeman's honey brown floats (as in with ice cream) but it was "atrocious." And we ran into these two other guys who invited us to a party at Blueberry lane, and after about an hour of stumbling around the face of the mountain in the pitch black we discovered didn't even exist. We saw the guy later and he remembered my name, which was nice I guess. Come to think of it, we met a lot of guys and only one or two girls. I guess everyone was drunk and horny and sticking to the opposite sex. Rachelle was a bit of an idiot and didn't actually bring a tent, and didn't tell me so I couldn't bring my own. We ended up building this fortress type thing out of a massive tarp, plywood we found in the forest, rope normally used in heavy-duty fishing situations and the doors of two matching Mazdas.

The next day I blew my nose and a dust bunny came flying out. I haven't been so dirty since the last time we went camping. Even if the Aussie staying at Tyson's place informed us that you couldn't get as dirty in any other part of the world than in the jungle of the Amazon. Fine.

He was actually pretty cool. They are couch surfing across North America. They are getting a ride sometime this week from a band that is driving to Toronto, and then to Montreal. Yesreday they hitch-hiked to Tofino.

I am thinking more and more about doing that kind of trip, like starting off somewhere and seeing where I end up. I have decided to wait until I am 22 though, by that time I will have my first degree and hopefully someone I trust who will go with me

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