Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And Dad Would Throw The Garbage Across The Floor

Well hello, hello. Just had my busiest day in like a month, which isn't saying anything because I seriously haven't done anything in a month. (note: sitting up straighter does not make sleeping feet feel better, but in fact worse) Got up at 7 and accomplished things. Had my first morning shower in about a year! Went to work! Worked for a few hours... learned so many new things that my head may/may not explode at any minute. For instance I made the mistake of thinking I knew how to use excel, and then the book-keeper started throwing numbers around and I was, frankly, afraid. Learned how to properly greet someone over the phone or in person, learned that in this case, the volunteer is never wrong, learned the correct acrobatic hand flicking required to lock and unlock doors. And near the end of the day, I sorted through about a thousand teacups and saucers. (I have decided that I will make an effort to own proper china when I get around to that kind of thing, all the old ladies were tsking about the lack of use of such beauties)And I ate a packed lunch! And I took orders from the Boss! And I have my own key! And from this description I bet you could never guess that I work at an art gallery- hm?
I also had a driving lesson, and was thoroughly and properly embarrassed to see kids younger than me whizzing by in Daddy's four door, but at least I was learning in a mustang. The teacher kept saying I was griping the wheel too hard, but I wasn't nervous at all.

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