Saturday, December 13, 2008

And then there wasnt a lack of snow.

so a bunch of us skipped "A" block, because why would we stay in the libary when the snow was falling so nicely on the ground? no one would (take the lack fo students in biology). Not even the teachers, but they did, because they get payed to stay in the rooms they are teaching. So, thats their excuse.
I remember back in grade 8, the mountain just opened and nearly everyone in my class went to the mountain the day. The teacher wasnt even there, now we don't know for sure, but everyone is convinced he was also at the mountain. Because he was this IRON MAN! i bike ride! and do crazy hikes and am extreme.
whats with french immersion young male teachers?

other then that, i should get to making irish potato candies for a friend of mine.
Its actually made with potatos but you can't really taste it. it's just there for the starch effect, like flour. but better i guess
and theses are the yummiest things in the world you role them in chocolate and coconut and wow. super nice, super shinnnnny.


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