Friday, October 10, 2014

Don't be afraid to stop talking about yourself

Sittin' in the theater coffee shop, eating Cheezies and listening to a job interview for the Martlet. There are millions and millions of questions being asked, and everyone is dressed impeccably. There is a lot of catty language flying around right now, and apparently they get a ton of poetry submissions. So there you go.
I'm supposed to be meeting The Boy and his bro at a shopping center near the ferry, and I have no idea where the turnoff from the highway is. I go over and over it in my head, but for the life of me I can't visualize it. Driving would not be nearly half as bad if navigating was not also required.
Looking forward to some turkey and seeing the puppy and maybe a hot tub and/or a fire in the grate. Kory's folks have the most comfortable house, I swear. It's like a mini-vacation every time we go there.
There is a summer dog guiding position open in Iceland right now. It's located on a glacier. Room and board and a small stipend. And you get to live in Iceland.


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