I'm reading Beatrice and Virgil, Yann Martel's newest. Can you believe that guy lives in Saskatoon? It seems strange. Anyway the book is clearly autobiographical, about a writer named Henry (although he admits right away that Henry is a pseudonym) who has given up writing when faced with a complete shut- down by his editors. Luckily though he has one best seller under his belt (about wild animals no less) so he is able to live off the royalties and what he makes at a part time job. Henry gets a letter from a reader that has a manuscript for a script in which a character named Virgil describes a pear for a character named Beatrice, who has never heard of one. Anyway Virgil's description of the pear is so technical and philiosophical at the same time. How would you describe a fruit's shape/ taste/ consistency to someone who has not only never seen one put never tasted one or held one at all? It's like describing colour to the blind. Maybe easier.
Kat is watching Tintin in the living room. I am laying on the floor of my room.
There is a terrible smell in my kitchen and I can't for the life of me find its source.
And no Laura, I did not listen to the link you posted. Jeez.