His high voice surprisingly works with it, but stillllll. How are you? How was b-towns home for the evening? Mine was alright. I spent it at the annual first nations christmas dinner. Saw old friends, but most of time, I was just bored. I left early to go on some quick grocery quest. I came back with organic cream cheese, cool whip and graham crackers. At the checkout, I ended up talking for a solid 5 minutes to two girls about cakes. That is a long time at checkout, with people behind you.
Tonight, here's whats bugging me. Why do people look down at you if your not going to school? That was alot of people tonight, in a weird way, actually, not only tonight, but alot lately. They consider random whatever i;m doing, (not lately), but the bigger things, unacceptable. I'm starting to get a tiny bit pissed off at the middle class. Even though, you as a people, are a hardworking one. I respect you. But I'm still allowed to be ticked-off. Why can't a not yet 20 year old do something other then kill herself with something i don't even know what it will turn out to be? Its just bugging me. You don't have this problemo mortimer. Your living the goodlife as a art history person. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeee. (no dis-respect, just sayin')