This is a picture from my back yard that I quite like
The home page of this website says:"Create a Blog, its Free" as if just because its free its everyone's cup of tea. United forever by free stuff.I was pretty much shamed into writing this blog, because the last thing I wrote was really useless (as if this is any better) I seriously don't know what to write, especially now we have a follower. hi Jesse! Anyone else hate the new itunes? It definetly slows down the computer. No, it has nothing to do with the fact that its eight years old. So right now I am making a CD for Jocelyn, who has got to have the reandomest taste on music ever. We'll be sitting in her room, listening to music, and she will seriously go from a rad swedish techno song to some Appalachian Picking Society, and then to Coldplay or something generic. I love it. Also: does any one know where I can get the song Monster by You Say Party! We say Die! ??I have it stuck in my head indefinetlyso there it is: a blog