Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tompkins Park, Oh I'll be There Soon

There remains a hole in my ceiling directly above my bed, where the light fixture used to be. The plumbers came to fiddle with the hot water upstairs two days ago (Landlord assured me it would be like nobody had even been there... they were known for Taking Care of Business) and so now my room is lit by the very dim bulb of a 50 year old kitsch lamp.

Just pulled some orange blossom sugar cookies out of the oven, I swear to god this is turning into the year of baked goods. Made banana coconut cake with chocolate rootbeer icing for Shark's birthday yesterday. You can basically just throw an apron on me and tape my hand to a wooden spoon, looks like that's all I'm good for.

Also Shark and I decided, as of 30 minutes ago, ish, that if I ever come into a lot of money I'm going to open a prestiguous school for new ideas-like they used to do in the old days. It seems like anyone of particular different ideas or innovative taste would feel the need to open a school and spread it around a bit. I'm all for that. Tuition will hopefully be comparitively low, professors paid a competitive wage, the campus will be on Cloud Nine. I think it will be mostly arts based because that is what I know. Let me know if you would like to contribute to funding.

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